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Dora Stevens

Dora Stevens

Religion & Theology
Dora Stevens is a professional academic paper writer, who has 3 years of experience and knows how to make your paper just perfect. Thanks to her dedication to work, Dora has a lot of satisfied customers and positive reviews. We guarantee you not only a well-done job but also friendly and easy communication.
3-YEAR  experience
315  filled orders
Research Topics in Marketing
December 28, 2022  | 
5 min read | 

Marketing is a field that covers plenty of topics. Students learning this subject discover the themes related to social media, content creation, and marketing strategy building. And all these topics, together with sociology paper topics, are pretty popular and relevant… Read More

Dream Job Essay
December 14, 2022  | 
6 min read | 

You might be required to submit a professionally-written dream job essay to improve your career prospects or increase your chances of getting into one of the top schools. In this piece of writing, you need to outline your aspirations and… Read More

History Paper Topics
August 19, 2022  | 
3 min read | 

We have created this list of history research paper topics so that students can write A+ assignments. All topics are relevant and have a sufficient number of sources for good research. The Iraq War and Anglo-American Relations. The aggravation of… Read More

Criminal Justice Paper Topics
August 19, 2022  | 
3 min read | 

Criminal justice often causes a creative block in students. Unfortunately, a good topic is hard enough to find, so we have a list of criminal justice paper topics for you. Inquiry is a form of investigation of criminal cases. Evidence… Read More

When to Apply for Colleges
July 1, 2022  | 
5 min read | 

Applying to college often proves challenging for most high school learners. The number of questions raised concerning that is great. The primary one is “how many colleges should I apply to.” It would be illogic to offer a specific number… Read More
