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Research Topics in Marketing
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Research Topics in Marketing: Choose Your Perfect One

Marketing is a field that covers plenty of topics. Students learning this subject discover the themes related to social media, content creation, and marketing strategy building. And all these topics, together with sociology paper topics, are pretty popular and relevant in today’s society since every product in the world needs to be advertised. That is why choosing marketing research topics becomes a challenge for many students. But you don’t have to worry about that because we have prepared a list of the most significant issues in the marketing industry. So go on and choose your favorite one!

Complete List of Marketing Research Paper Topics

If you are jumping from one topic to another and need help deciding which topic will be the most suitable for your marketing research paper, the list of themes we prepared for you will help you in that choice. Read what trendy marketing research paper topics are below. 

  • How to build a successful funnel with the help of social media? 
  • Pros and cons of hiring a marketing consultant.
  • Social media strategies that boost customers’ interest. 
  • How to make your brand recognizable on the market? 
  • How to build long-term relationships with customers? 
  • Newest targeting technologies: how to offer your product to the right audience? 
  • How to make a marketing strategy for a B2B type of e-commerce?
  • How to increase customer satisfaction? 
  • Online shopping through the eyes of the buyer. 
  • Practical ways to build a successful marketing campaign. 
  • How to get rid of a bad reputation in marketing? 
  • Responsive customer support service as a part of a great marketing campaign.
  • How to speed up a customer’s purchase decisions? 
  • Copywriting: an essential part of every marketing campaign. 
  • What is the best social media platform to promote your product? 
  • The difference between aggressive and discrete marketing.
  • Should cultural differences be taken into account while building a marketing strategy? 
  • Email marketing: a perfect tool to reach out to the audience.
  • What is the difference between traditional marketing and digital marketing? 
  • Can an influencer build a successful marketing strategy with free tools? 
  • How to make a multi-step marketing campaign?
  • Creating a pillar content strategy. 
  • The role of bloggers in the modern marketing field. 
  • Direct marketing: the most effective marketing strategy. 
  • Are marketing methods different for different countries? 

Marketing Research Topics for College Students

Many college students who are learning marketing face this challenging choice of marketing research topics. Unless the professor assigns you a specific topic, you must come up with your own, which is much more complicated. Use some ideas for marketing research paper topics below. 

  • The newest trends in global marketing.
  • What marketing is used for political campaigns?
  • How do offers and promotions work on customers’ purchase decisions?
  • Is advertising products on TV still effective?
  • How do customers react to direct marketing? 
  • How to make your content viral: best techniques?
  • The role of UI/UX design in marketing. 
  • What are the common challenges in marketing? 
  • Using artificial intelligence in building marketing strategies.
  • What ads are misleading? 
  • Building marketing for the luxury products category. 
  • Is it more challenging to do marketing for an offline business rather than an online one? 
  • Is it relevant to use humor in advertising? 
  • What tools should small business owners use to become successful? 
  • What triggers do marketers use to increase customers’ desire to buy?
  • What is language targeting?
  • Does being a well-known brand refer to having the highest quality products?
  • Should radio still be used for advertising? 
  • SMM: the latest trends. 
  • What is more effective in marketing: image or video?

Social Media Marketing Research Topics

Social media marketing might be the best field to choose for students since all teenagers use social media platforms and understand how they rule the world. Consider some topics about social media marketing for your research paper below. 

  • Building marketing through the Instagram social media platform. 
  • Is it profitable to buy a commercial from a famous blogger on social media? 
  • Producer of a blogger: a new modern profession. 
  • Storytelling: an effective tool in social media marketing. 
  • Mobile social media marketing.
  • What social media to use to develop B2B marketing? 
  • Are women or men more affected by social media marketing? 
  • The current challenges in SMM.
  • What are the most effective tools to build your marketing through social media channels? 
  • Case study of Apple social media marketing. 

If you decide on your marketing research paper topic, you might seek help writing it. And we can help you with that! We provide the best academic writing services so that you can be sure – you are in safe hands!


What is the best topic for marketing research?

All hot and controversial topics will be the best to choose from for your research paper. Readers love to read about new tactics and strategies, so you should select the latest marketing research field.

What are examples of marketing research?

The best example of marketing research can be a case study. In the example of a particular company whose marketing has been successful, it shows the best ways to build your strategy. Bringing an accurate illustration will be the most engaging way to write your paper.

How do you write a marketing research paper?

First, you have to decide on the topic for your marketing paper. When this step is done, it is time to generate your ideas on how you will write research. Then, build an outline, write several drafts, and proofread your perfect research paper in marketing!

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