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Nursing Research Paper Topics
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TOP Topics For Nursing Research Paper

The best nursing paper topics from practicing university teachers. With them, you can do interesting research and improve your study.

Best Research Paper Topics For Nursing Students

  1. The role of the nurse in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Problems of improving the practice of applying compulsory medical measures.
  3. Nursing care in chronic pyelonephritis.
  4. Acute poisoning. Classification of primary health care from the position of nursing.
  5. An analysis of the results of a study of nursing care features in Parkinson’s disease.
  6. Stages of the nursing process in rickets.
  7. Tracheostomy care. Possible complications of tracheostomy.
  8. Deep cleansing of the skin. Methods and means.
  9. Nursing in dentistry.
  10. Oligophrenia. Degrees of oligophrenia.

General Nursing Leadership Paper Topics

  1. Cases from medical practice on the problem of leadership. Different approaches to the problem of leadership.
  2. Research on improving the system for compiling and analyzing the activities of a nurse.
  3. Management of the psychological climate in the workforce of the organization.
  4. Methods of express diagnostics of the process of professional adaptation.
  5. Basic concepts of leadership. Linking leadership to physical and mental health.
  6. Research for specialists in optimizing social work with older people.
  7. The specificity of the use of leadership techniques in the activities of the nurse of a practical psychologist.
  8. Research on improving the logistics strategy within a medical institution.
  9. Research on improving the management accounting of the organization.
  10. Innovations in the organization of nursing.

Pediatric Nursing Topics For Research Paper

  1. Vaccination of the population. The importance of vaccination for the life of an individual and humanity as a whole. Myths and real facts about the benefits of vaccination in childhood.
  2. Nursing process in children with bronchial asthma.
  3. Nursing care of a small child.
  4. Nursing in pediatrics.
  5. Nursing process in the surgical treatment of abdominal trauma and peritonitis in pediatrics.
  6. Periodization of childhood – features of the formation of diseases in children.
  7. Causes of childhood obesity and its prevention.
  8. Method of counseling on contraception.
  9. Analysis of the documentation of a pediatric psychologist.
  10. Nursing process in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in children.

Bonus Nursing Paper Topics

  1. The results evaluate the practical implementation of nursing care features in atherosclerosis.
  2. Signal arterial hypertension in endocrine pathology (thyroid disease, adrenal tumor, diabetes mellitus).
  3. Model of nursing intervention in cardiology.
  4. Nursing care for cholera.
  5. Research on nursing care in diseases of the respiratory system.
  6. Compulsory measures of a medical nature: theoretical and law enforcement problems.
  7. Diagnosis and treatment of endocrine infertility.
  8. Nursing in functional diagnostics.
  9. Acute poisoning. Classification of primary health care from the position of nursing.
  10. The tasks and role of the nurse in detecting early forms of malignant neoplasms.

Where To Find Help With Topics For Nursing Research Paper?

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